Massive fire caught in US Navy's Wasp Class Ship

A massive fire broke out in the Wasp Class Assault Landing Ship, Bonhomme Richard  in San Diego. The ship is still burning 12 hours after the blaze was first reported in the morning local time.
Massive fire in Wasp Class Assault landing ship, Bonhomme Richard (Source: TheSanDiegotribune)

The cause of the fire is still unknown but it started in the ship's floodable lower cargo hold, where vehicles and marine equipment like landing crafts are stored.

160 sailors were on board the vessel when the fire started. They have all been evacuated and all crew members are accounted for. It also means the fire is no longer fought from within the ship itself but from the outside.

17 sailors and 4 civilians total of 21 people have been lightly wounded and are being treated for smoke inhalation and heat exhaustion are being treated in the hospital.

Bonhomme Richard is assumed to keep burning through the night. Lawrence Brennan, a retired Navy captain, said, "Repair prices if practical, will be hundreds of millions of dollars, or replacement will take many years and cost about a billion dollars.”

The Navy undertook a modernisation program on the landing ship in 2018, to turn her into a "Light aircraft Carrier", enabling her to carry and support up to 20 F-35B. The USN has been implementing this plan to all 10 of its assault ships.

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